Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Red Thread

I've been thinking a lot about this book recently. It was given to me shortly after we adopted Kaleb, and it became a favorite of both kids.

"There is an ancient Chinese belief that an invisible, unbreakable red thread connects all those who are destined to be together." In this book, "a king and queen rule a beautiful and peaceful land. They should be full of joy and contentment, but they both feel a strange pain that worsens every day.

Then a peddler’s magic spectacles reveal a red thread pulling at each of their hearts. The king and queen know they must follow the thread-wherever it may lead." Well, they end up following this thread all the way to China, to a tiny village, to find that the thread is being played with, and pulled on by a baby girl in a basket. Of course, they bring her home, and she becomes their daughter. It is a beautiful story.

It is interesting because shortly before we made the decision to adopt Kaleb, I began feeling a "pulling" on my heart. It was strong and intense, and adoption was all I could think about. I prayed about it, I researched and studied, and I knew it was what God intended for our family.

God blessed us more than I could've imagined with Kaleb. He is the most amazing, wonderful son I ever could've asked for. And of course, He blessed us in the same way with our beautiful Kaitlin through childbirth.

Recently (for a couple months now), I have been feeling that pulling on my heart again. It is strong and is growing more intense. I have been praying and researching, and wondering if God has another journey of adoption planned for our family. Right now it seems impossible. Financially we are not in a position to do it. But I know that "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). I know that if it is His will, He'll provide a way for us to do it. Perhaps somewhere out there, there is a baby pulling on our "red thread"...