Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Good Shepard's Fold Orphanage

Friends of a friend of mine are currently missionaries at Good Shepard's Fold Orphanage in Uganda.  I have been reading about this place, and it has really been on my heart this week.  So I thought I'd share- with anyone who might read this, so you too, can be praying for these children... and for all the orphans in the world.  From their website I learned that
" *Uganda has an estimated 1.7 million orphans, making it the highest number in the world.
  *1.9 million Ugandan children have lost a parent to AIDS.
  *One in five people live in poverty so absolute that their survival is at stake daily.
  *18 out of 24 people are children who die of starvation."

I've heard people talk about how we should help the needs of the children in this country before worrying about others.  I disagree.  I think we should help children anywhere and everywhere.  Any child living in poverty should be helped, especially if their country does not have government programs like ours does, to help feed the hungry and house the homeless.

My heart was especially touched when I found this youtube video.  It is the Good Sheperd's Fold Children's Choir singing, and it is just beautiful.  And I am thankful that there are missionaries and people out there all over the world, working to better the lives of orphans.  God bless them.


Friday, April 1, 2011

I Love These...

Thank You for Asking Card Set with Card Wallet.... (20 CARDS)

During our adoption process, we took a class online called "Conspicuous Families" through Adoption Learning Partners.  It was a great course with invaluable information. One aspect of the course addressed ways to deal with comments or questions that may (intentionally but most likely unintentionally) be confusing or hurtful to you or your child(ren).  Questions like... " What do you know about his real parents?", "Are you going to have any more of your own?", or even well-meaning comments, such as, "You're such a saint for adopting him."

Well- I have lots of responses ready now when people ask questions such as these in front of Kaleb.  However, I just came across these "Thank You for Asking" cards on etsy designed by artist, Jodi Queenan and I LOVE them.  They are business card size and come with matching envelopes- "designed to address curious questions and educate the public while keeping a positive experience for your family".

Here is what they say... 
"Thank You for Asking" (front side)

There are many ways to create or build a family. We have chosen to build our family through adoption. Thousands of children will be adopted into the U.S. this year. Our child is legally 100% ours, and just like a biological child, our love for him was born and grew from our hearts. This makes him our real, chosen, beloved son, for whom we would die and give our lives. He calls us mother and father. At times, you may see a family who has both adopted and biological children. It is important to know that these children are siblings, regardless of how they come into the family.

"A Child's Story" (back side)

Every child’s story is unique, whether or not they are adopted. Adopted children are not bought. The cost of their care in his/her native country, and why their first family was unable to care for him/her, is private. For an adopted child, this is their story to tell when they are adults, with the closest people in their lives. But, what I can tell you is that we are not special people because we have chosen to adopt this child. Rather, we are blessed to have been given this opportunity to parent this child. We are also thankful for family, friends, community, and the kindness of strangers to learn and educate themselves about adoption.

Thanks for Asking Cards
This artist gives a percentage of her profits to the Kolfe Youth Orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Check out her blog.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Celebrating Dr. Seuss

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!”
 - Dr. Seuss

Tomorrow (March 2nd) would mark the 107th birthday of beloved children's author & illustrator, Dr. Seuss.

Dr. Seuss's birthday was always one of my favorite days to share with the children when I taught preschool...  making green eggs and ham, decorating big red and white hats, playing rhyming games, and reading so many of my favorite children's books!  The kids always loved it.

I thought I'd share some of my favorite Dr. Seuss activities today, and also encourage you to participate in Read Across America.  NEA’s Read Across America Day is a nationwide reading celebration that takes place annually on March 2 (Dr. Seuss’s birthday!).  How do you partcipate?  Just have fun enjoying Seuss books & activities! 

Check out Seusville's Educator page for some fun ideas- some activities are geared  toward classrooms, but many can be done by homeschoolers or younger children!
---------------------------------------------------------------------  Try Nigella Lawson's Green Eggs & Ham recipe! No food coloring needed!!  She uses pesto instead. (Sounds much more appealing to me!) Click here for the recipe.
Read about Theodor Geisel a.k.a, Dr. Seuss
Try this fun & tasty Cat in the Hat Cookie Recipe
---------------------------------------------------------------------Check out this wonderful Dr. Seuss Unit from Homeschool Share-- so many ideas based on Dr. Seuss books!
Another site full of educational activities based on Dr. Seuss books: Virtual Vine
If you have an iPod, iPhone, or iPad, here's an app worth purchasing Dr. Seuss's ABC app (available through iTunes)- and there are many others which are supposed to be on sale for $0.99 in honor of his birthday! 
Check out the 2-hour Dr. Seuss marathon on PBS Kids tomorrow! Click here for your local PBS schedule.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Red Thread

I've been thinking a lot about this book recently. It was given to me shortly after we adopted Kaleb, and it became a favorite of both kids.

"There is an ancient Chinese belief that an invisible, unbreakable red thread connects all those who are destined to be together." In this book, "a king and queen rule a beautiful and peaceful land. They should be full of joy and contentment, but they both feel a strange pain that worsens every day.

Then a peddler’s magic spectacles reveal a red thread pulling at each of their hearts. The king and queen know they must follow the thread-wherever it may lead." Well, they end up following this thread all the way to China, to a tiny village, to find that the thread is being played with, and pulled on by a baby girl in a basket. Of course, they bring her home, and she becomes their daughter. It is a beautiful story.

It is interesting because shortly before we made the decision to adopt Kaleb, I began feeling a "pulling" on my heart. It was strong and intense, and adoption was all I could think about. I prayed about it, I researched and studied, and I knew it was what God intended for our family.

God blessed us more than I could've imagined with Kaleb. He is the most amazing, wonderful son I ever could've asked for. And of course, He blessed us in the same way with our beautiful Kaitlin through childbirth.

Recently (for a couple months now), I have been feeling that pulling on my heart again. It is strong and is growing more intense. I have been praying and researching, and wondering if God has another journey of adoption planned for our family. Right now it seems impossible. Financially we are not in a position to do it. But I know that "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). I know that if it is His will, He'll provide a way for us to do it. Perhaps somewhere out there, there is a baby pulling on our "red thread"...

Thursday, January 27, 2011